In memory of Helen J. DeVos
More than 1,500 tributes were posted from around the world. They came from friends and family, community leaders, business executives, international dignitaries, those involved with the Amway business and the many who were touched by her philanthropy.
Helen al nacer, al pareser iso un pacto misterioso con la eternidad.Una gracia alada, una modestia natural ocultaba la seriedad de su espíritu; Una te...
MagnoliaRest in peace
BrooklynSentimos mucho el fallecimiento de Helen Devos
TucsonDios la tenga en su Santa Gloria
MiamiFamilia de Vos lo sentimos
HoustonMy condolences to the DeVos family. Your mother and father played a major role in my life!!Your family is in my prayers!God continues to bless thr...
Thank you very much.By which the time when Rich and Helen visited Japan was the year of the diamond achievement
By the side in the stage.
By the look wrapped warmly.
The form that you’re watching Rich.
It’s branded in memory....
OO?U City TUKIMI ChouMy deepest condolences to the Devos family.
TAIPEII wanted to express my deepest condolences to Rich and your family as you go through this time. I know you will be able to recall the treasures of a full and blessed life you shared and I rejoice with you that as you mourn you do so with hope. I...
Powell, OhioThank you for everything! Love Keti and Emanuele
TrevisoWe send our heartfelt condolences to the DeVos Family.
Even though we never had the privilege to meet her , we are extremely grateful that her existence impacted our life in such a significant way. Her life was an inspiring example and her legac...
RomeGracias por ser partícipe de Amway, toda mi admiracion y respeto, también lamentando su partida.
IbaguéGracias Familia de Vos, Que el creador cuide y proteja su descendencia , sabiendo que después te podré conocer Helen in Heaven
San AntonioWe mourn Helen. We know that this is a great loss to DeVos family and all who knew her.Helen will remain among us forever with her big heart.
BryanskBehind every great man is a wonderful woman who supports her home and gives the most of her to always cheer up her partner. I didnt have the privilege to meet her in person but one thing I know is that all she did here on earth has left a great ...
Los AngelesBeing in the Amway business for 39 years my wife Donna and I had the honor of meeting the DeVos family. Because of Rich, Helen and the VanAndel family...
TULAREEPD,mis condolencias para la familia DeVos y amigos,el cielo ganó una Estrella ,gracias Helen….
North BergenMil gracias por cambiar vidas y llenarlas de espiritualidad, infinito amor hacia ustedes.
Bucaramanga41 Then he will say to those on his left: Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. 42 For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat; and I was thirsty, but you gave me noth...
SocorroGracias por todo su aporte, no solo a la familia Amway, sino a toda la humanidad, su legado trasciende las fronteras y el tiempo, Dios en su Santa Glo...
Puerto BarriosMy condolences to the De Vos Family. Helen, thank you for being an example of generosity and love. Follow the light.
BUENOS AIRESMis mas sinceras condolencias familia DE VOS; muchas gracias por su legado por un día haberse atrevido a cambiar muchas vidas alrededor del mundo, que muchos años después impactan mi vida y a decenas de familias que ya tenían perdidas las espera...
COLOMBIAMi más sentido pésame de parte de mi familia y que nuestro señor la tenga en un mejor lugar
LanhamMy most behavior conducted to all the family De Vos. An affectionate embrace to all you from Italy
Schio (Vi) Nos unimos al sentimiento de perder un ser querido y a la vez, admiramos y valoramos mucho su parte activa en esta gran oportunidad que hemos recibid...
West SacramentoSaludos a la familia DeVos siempre hay que recordar a una gran mujer tras ser muy visionaria y dejar un buen legado lleno de amor y generosidad y a una gran persona que siempre inspiró a otros con cariño y amor será su recuerdo siempre viviendo ...
Chapel HillHelen DeVos served as both a light and a visionary witness to the entire Kings community. Her deep level of engagement and insight shone through in th...
NYCelebramos tu vida y tu influencia positiva para todos los que conocíamos de ti y de tu aporte a tu sociedad y familia!
Dios te guíe