A professional black and white portrait of Helen from high school.

In memory of Helen J. DeVos

More than 1,500 tributes were posted from around the world. They came from friends and family, community leaders, business executives, international dignitaries, those involved with the Amway business and the many who were touched by her philanthropy.

Helen DeVos made a difference; She made the world a better place. Thank-you.
Martin DoyleWawa
Dear HelenWe are very sorry and will miss you so much. You and your loving husband Rich help our life better. Thank you for your big support.Then now, we are able to have dreams. Please watching over us in heaven.Enjoy your second life there. ...
Yoshie and Nobuyoshi KobayashiNAGANO
With all respect I want to present my sincere condolences. From this remote part of the world we are with you in heart and thoughts in this sad moment...
Daniel AristizabalPereira
Extending deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. May the happy memories bring you comfort.
Sachiko Okudakawaguchi
Even if we have not personally met her, it was heartwarming to read and learn about the life of this great lady. We are deeply saddened by the news of...
Lashan AthaudaMontreal
Through many decades we have admired Helen DeVos as an outstanding lady and wife of Rich DeVos. We express our sympathy to the entire DeVos family! Eldo & Pam Wenger
Pam WengerStockton
I was able to have hope toward the life on the coattails of you
notion koyamaTokyo
Entendiendo el dolor por la separación de un ser querido, pensemos como hermanos en la fe que somos que Helen empieza una nueva y gran vida junto a Nuestro Creador. Bendiciones.
Ana Isabel LietorValencia
Sr. Rich de Vos y familia,Siento enormemente la pérdida de su querida esposa HELEN, madre, abuela y bisabuela. Me uno a todos ustedes en estos mome...
This post is to express our belated gratitude to Helen, because I know she was a vital support to Rich , Jay & Betty, in starting the Amway Business. Our lives have been forever changed because of these families. Because of our profit-sharin...
Trish & Bob ButtlemanTraverse City
Mi más sentido pésame por el fallecimiento de Helen DeVos.
Custodio Hernández del PozoMiraflores de la Sierra
Thank you for all that you have given to our families. I sincerely believe that it marks a milestone in the history of thousands of homes that found hope for their determination and determination. Our condolences to the family of You. Your legac...
Victor Aguilar DiazTenerife
The reason my wife and I can build a future for ourselves is because a courageous woman like Helen Devos stood in the gap, along with Rich, and create...
Andrew TerrellMililani
Mi mas sincero pésame a la Familia Devos. Que Dios la tenga en su santa gloria y que la familia Devos encuentre la paz de Dios. Descanse en paz Helen Devos
Ovidio GarzaSan Antonio
Everyone in the group is sad.Thanks Helen Thanks Helen Thanks Helen
KEIKO SAKATAKitaky?sh?-shi
I’m really sorry about your loss. She will be in my hearth always..
Luis VasquezPhiladelphia
Dear DeVos family our condolences for Miss DeVos lost . We are deeply grateful for her life support and legacy. Because of her we are better. All our ...
Miguel AguadoMadrid
Our deepest condolences go out to the DeVos Family. We are so thankful for the eternal impact you and your entire family is making in the lives of kids. Countless numbers of kids all over West Michigan have heard about the Good News because of t...
Dan & Michelle KregelGrand Rapids
Hello: Llegue a familiares y amigos nuestro mas sentido pesame por la perdida de Helen Devos, una gran emprendedora e inteligente mujer que organizo y...
Ariel chacon gonzalezTAMPA
For the 20+ years that we have been IBOs, there is one word, that for us has always been synonymous with the name Helen DeVos…..”Class.” She will certainly be missed.
Dan & Dorothy StevensStaten Island
Sorry but you are in the glory as a queen
Ricardo OrozcoCuernavaca
Nunca fez tanto sentido as palavras de um líder que Helen DeVos admirava:Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida; quem crê em mim, ainda que esteja morto, viverá;.A sua obra Amway construída com o seu marido fará que a sua memória perd...
We will remember you forever.
Dear Treasured Amway Family, It saddens me to hear of Helen’s passing. We will miss her. I’ve been a part of the Amway family for nearly 50 years. Wouldn’t trade a minute of it. I’m 75 years young. My doctors all ask me what I do, and tell me to...
Dorothy ShumansBuffalo
Please accept our deepest and most heartfelt condolences.
Gieva Luiza,Bogatyr MykolaKiev
What a wonderful legacy. Such a giving gracious woman. The entire Maaskant Family thanks both the Van Andel Family and the DeVos Family for giving us such a wonderful life. We are forever grateful.Patricia Maaskant & Family
To a life well lived! She did so much for so many in so many different areas. I honor her for that. Condolences to Rich & her children. I know how...
Joyce SchmidtAbbotsford
Dear, Helen. Tank you for giving us the opportunity to dream. Can you enjoy the fullness of eternity, in the light of God.
Antonio Tro�aMaspalomas de Gran Canaria
It is with deep sorrow that Emi & Bob receive the news of the passing of Helen DeVos. Our sympathy is extended to all familyBob & Emi McFarl...
Bob & Emi McFarlingFairfield
Mis más sinceras condolencias a toda la familia devos descanse en paz,