A professional black and white portrait of Helen from high school.

In memory of Helen J. DeVos

More than 1,500 tributes were posted from around the world. They came from friends and family, community leaders, business executives, international dignitaries, those involved with the Amway business and the many who were touched by her philanthropy.

My most sincere respect for a wonderful and inspiring woman. Behind the succeed of a great man and an amazing company will always be The love and supp...
LUIS Alejandro ReyBogot�
My sincere condolences to the DeVos family.
Sergio RoblesGuatemala
RIP our heart felt condolences
Thank you for setting an example of God, Family, Countrt, and Free Enterprise. You have left the world a much better place. Enjoy Heaven and may your family be at peace with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Joseph Moor3Herndon
Helen DeVosWe never met. You do not know me personally. However you know me, through the values and standards that the company you helped build, and...
Kenneth CampbellKingston
I appreciate the work Helen has done for many generations to come. My life is truly changed because of her dedication to our futures.
Alfred Castillo
My sincerely sorry for the loss, God watching over her
May god bless you and your family. The true measure of a person is how many people are better of because they lived. The millions both Rich and You have impacted is a testimonyRest In Peace
Satyaprakash BRichardson
Sangita JoshiStatesville
Please accept our deepest sympathies! Your legacy continues. Thousands of people better off because you lived. Your soul may rest in piece.
Niroshan RanaweeraMelbourne
Our condolences for the DeVos family.
Lissett RosalesMiami
So sorry to here of her passing but yes we know she is with Jesus and in a wonderful place. It is hard on the ones left behind but be consoled with the thought that you will one day see her again.
Gordon and Sharon BzdelDevon
Thank you for planting the seeds we needed to accomplish what we are ment to be. Thank you for the Dream, thank you for believing in us. Thank for the...
Patrick HervetMontreal
Did not get to know Helen DeVos personally, but heard a great deal about her and her family. May God bless and give peace to the family.
Thanks for a whole life devoted to make a better world. I am sure that you knew how much you did. I just want to say: Thanks Thanks Thanks.I live in...
Elizabeth BelloSan Antonio de los altos
RIP Helen DeVos
Josefa PepenNewark
Helen was an inspiring role model to us and many others in this community. Her legacy of compassion, grace and strength translated into action that li...
Jim & Donna BrooksHolland
Helen was the gold standard as philanthropist, friend and mentor to me. Knowing that she is in the life that is eternal is comforting even as I mourn her death.
Allie HanleyPalm Beach
We feel very sad at the demise of Shri Helen Madam and sincerely register our condolences. But we knew surely that she joins our Lord in heaven and we...
Britto S Achennai, India
Although I never knew her, I thank God for bringing her to my life through what her family did. Thank you for having combined many lives. Peace in his grave.
Gustavo A RamirezPopayan
To all DeVos Family, all my love and blessings celebrating Helen’s life, because those who work in their life mission and help others with love, never...
Sof�a de Carmen Z��igaTijuana B.C.
We owe a debt of gratitude to this fine lady. She was a beautiful lady inside and out. Though I or my husband never personally met Mrs. DeVos, we greatly appreciate her achievements and her heart. I read she had a heart for others and especially...
Lisa NewportFranklin
Our most sincere condolences to the DeVos family.
Leticia and Vincent RaspaSan Antonio
RIP ! you were a great inspiration
Greg SeymourLynnwood
Our deep condolences to all DeVos’ family! We mourn together with you for the loss of such a wonderful person. May the Lord fill her place and bring p...
James PallikondaTustin
My deepest condolences and our prayers for the DeVos family. The Almighty embrace you. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise fi...
The stars in heaven just got a little brighter! She will be missed, but her legacy lives on in her family and in the many lives she touched through he...
Mark & Karla LemoineRiverside
So sorry to hear of Helen’s passing. While never having had the chance to meet her or her family in person, I feel as though I know them through the Amway business. My husband and I were IBO’s for 34 years. I have been carrying on in the busines...
Ida RyanRichland Center
Thank you, Helen, for your legacy, for your existence.
Joviano Alfredo LopesFortaleza
Thoughts and prayers for the family and friends as they go through this difficult time. Be Blessed!
Suzanne PlenkersMolino