A professional black and white portrait of Helen from high school.

In memory of Helen J. DeVos

More than 1,500 tributes were posted from around the world. They came from friends and family, community leaders, business executives, international dignitaries, those involved with the Amway business and the many who were touched by her philanthropy.

Eternal memory!
Cviko VidakovicToronto
My deepest condolences to our dear DeVos family. May our Heavenly Father bless you with strength and comfort at this time. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Joy SaleapagaBuena Park
Amamos a Awmay. Acompanhamos todas as lutas, história, trajetória… Uma das maiores bênçãos dada pelo nosso Deus é a longevidade…. Quando a nossa v...
Pra. Jane Esther Monteiro de Souza de Paula Rosa e Pr. Joaquim de Paula RosaRio de Janeiro
Thank you for keeping the flame of the virtue of a lady who great an honorable family and propitious values in the most humane corporation in history, Amway
Alberto Rodolfo Sierra LuisCiudad de Panama
My deepest condolences to the family de Vos. It’s been a long time ago but I still remember the family de Vos and van Andel in Holland and in the U.S...
Berna BouwensApeldoorn
Our families most sincere condolences to the De Vos family for their loss. May Helen rest in peace, she will always be remembered.
Wong Kam WaingKuala Lumpur
Se conoce de Helen por el resultado de sus acciones durante toda su vida. Qué privilegio tan extraordinario otorgó el Señor a la sra. Helen, poder imp...
Casandra MarreroSanto Domingo
You are blessed by god. In the world, your soul and your thoughts are with us.
Chengjun ZhuYancheng
De Parte de Nuestra Familia Hurtado Bedoya quienes vamos hacer presencia muy Pronto en sus hermosas instalaciones queremos Dar nuestro más sentido pés...
Diego Armando HurtadoCali
My deepest condolences for your loss. Your family is my thoughts and prayers, Mary Cole, Brockton, Ma
I Neftali Garcia and The Garcia family offer their sincere condolences to The DeVos family. I want to leave this script for you to read, it gives me h...
Neftali GarciaChicago Heights
GOD SPEED to a wonderful and inspirational woman. Heaven has gained an angel. Peace and Love to all who knew her. She had touched many of your lives and we should all be grateful for that. My deepest condolences to the family. Much Love & Al...
Avis Ann K HeeHonolulu
My parents and several other members of our family have very fond memories of Helen and the wonderful person that she was. Her legacy of caring for ot...
Dan TeitsmaGrand Rapids
Lamento tan grande perdida, de esta guerrera incansable, Muchas Gracias de corazón por tu Gran legado. Linda Helen DeVos.
Verónica Herrera CauichMérida
What a beautiful tribute page to a beautiful woman! Thank you, Helen, we appreciate your grace, convictions, and charity. Our condolences to your fami...
Donna Seese (Aleta Pingel's daughter)Ada
Our world will miss you HELEN!!!!!! You inspired, lead, gave and showed us all by example how to be a warrior, standing alongside Rich, fighting the battles to keep our Dreams alive. We thank you for living a life that set the bar high for us to...
brian herosianwinnipeg
We did not get to meet you personally but have been deeply impacted by your kindness, belief and values we inherited through the Amway business.You wi...
Amit & Arti SondhiGurgaon
My sincere condolences to the DeVos families and Helen DeVos’ entire circle of friends. Though I did not know her personally, it is obvious from reading her life accomplishments that she was a very caring individual who only wished to make life ...
Sue LivingstonGrand Rapids
Que Dios la tenga en su regazo y permita que tenga vida eterna, le agradezco profundamente a Dios, por haber forjado en Helen una actitud de persevera...
Engels MojicaSan Critobal
Thanks for having you in this world… We will meet up there one day
Dearest Helen:You will be in my heart forever.Herme de Wyman Miro
Herme de Wyman MiroPalm Beach
I have heard much of Helen DeVos and her family, and of their philanthropic efforts with Christian Leaders Institute, of her love for humanity, and her concern for God to save humanity through the Son, Jesus Christ. God bless her family, and the...
Rickey SouthardLeavenworth
Though we did not have the good fortune of meeting her personally,Helen’s great character full of compassion, a strong resolve and wonderful values wh...
Le damos las más sinseras gracias por todo el apoyo y trabajo en equipo con Su esposo Rich Devos y la family Van Andel de crear algo como esto para ayudar a miles de familias y una de ellas somos nosotros que emos aprendido muchas cosas que nos ...
José and Lupita AlvaSylmar
Todos tenemos una mision en la vida su mision Helen esta cumplida creces que bonito dejar una excelente huella con todo respeto me uno a la tristeza q...
Alberto Alfonso Martínez LopezTepic
We send our sympathy and prayers for peace to the DeVos family. God’s love has been expressed greatly through the life of Mrs. DeVos and we are grateful for being blessed by it.
Brian & Amy GeersLowell
We loved you … . .for the way you loved us,and leave us with so much to fondly remember. Goodbye and God Bless You.
nevin gokce?STANBUL
Mi más sentido pésame para la Familia De Vos Por la preside de esta linda señora. Me encantaba verla en las revistas y siempre la admire mucho. Dios la reciba en su gloria. Gracias Umilde mente Maria Isabel Martinez
Maria Isabel Martinez100 W. Roosevelt Ave
Thank You Very Much!
Xian Zhi JinTai Yuan
Un Grazie dal profondo del cuore per quello che insieme a Rich avete sognato, creato e protetto sinora e per la speranza e libertà che continuate a dare a me ed a tutti quelli che nel vostro progetto ora realtà stanno credendo! Riposa in pace!
Fabiola TorresiMontegranaro